Promoting your Art: Easy Steps to Get you Started


You get inspired and spend countless hours working away on your art that you forget the world around you even exists. When you are finally satisfied with what you have accomplished and feel like the Picasso of your generation, you are tempted to put down your brush and get to your hard-earned celebration.

But in actuality, you are not quite done yet! The spark and creativity used in creating your admirable art now need to be used for marketing! Yes, promoting your art is the next giant step you need to take to become the well-known artist you aspire to be.

Before you break out in cold sweat, we are going to share with you some easy steps you can start working on today to increase your art visibility!

Share your Art within your Community

Art shows and exhibitions or art competitions are great ways to share your art with your community and there are plenty of opportunities out there. Look online to find an art show or check this Art Show Directory to find a listing near you.

If you are in the Arizona area, you are in luck! The Arizona Art Alliance 2014 Holiday Exhibit and Sale will be held December 5-14 with daily shows from 10:00AM to 6:00PM. Fill out your entry application by November 14th to take advantage of this opportunity.

Build a Network

We are all aware of how knowing the right people and having a group of supporters can highly increase your success rate. Many artists think showing up at an art event and causally introducing themselves to a number of people will get them recognized as the great artists they probably are. While brief interactions are fine, you have to take your networking to a new level to establish real connections that will push you ahead in your career.

The first step to networking is not shying away from your true yourself; use your unique personality as an artist to establish solid connections that have longevity and depth. Have meaningful, genuine conversations with your peer artists, former or current professors, colleagues, exhibition curators, or any person showing interest in the arts. Don’t be afraid to reach out to these people again for another meaningful conversation or a quick chat even. Also, make sure you follow and interact with your connections online, which brings me to my next point.

Start a Blog

Blogging is kind of renting your own online space, except you don’t actually have to pay rent if you choose not to. Create your own gallery and share your unique art, personality, ideas, or pretty much anything you desire; the point is make it your own and share it with the world. A blog is different from a website because it is more personal and encourages interactions with the audience, which takes us right back to networking!

Share your art along with interesting stories about you, and maybe even offer advice for other artists or art lovers or reveal a behind-the-scenes look at how you created your art!  Blogging, when done right, will surely increase your art visibility and help you develop your brand.

Use Social Media

Use social media not only for self-promotion, but to create an active community that will continue to suUntitled2pport you. Show and tell! Don’t just rely on posting your art across multiple social media sites; use it to connect with your fans or attract more fans by giving them the chance to connect with you as a person.

Integrate all your online efforts (social media, blog, and/or website) by having everything connected. Also, let your fans know about any of your offline events/work. Ask for comments and thoughts on your art and get people engaged. Ultimately, you are supposed to be social on these sites!

Get Featured on other Blogs/Sites

Getting featured on other art blogs or websites is part of the interaction and networking that we talked about and will also add to your fan base and increase your visibility. If you have worked on sharing your unique personality and story along with a spectacular collection of your art, many blogs will likely feature you. Don’t be afraid to put yourself and your creativity out there for the world to share.

If you are a League Member at the Arizona Art Alliance, you can get your art featured on this blog. Go ahead and send us your unique story and a collection of your art to be featured. Contact me directly at

Get Started Today and use these tips wisely and creatively to start your own brand and make your art visible. Marketing your art is an art in itself and we will help you along the way by sharing more posts and advice on how to market your art.

If you have any questions or comments, let us help :).

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