Judy Delmonico-Roll’s Art Story

Girl In A Straw Hat watercolor by Judy Delmonico-Roll

As promised in What is your Art Story? post, we will introduce you to our staff and their art stories in a monthly storytelling series in hopes that it will inspire you to share your art story with the world.

Judy Delmonico-Roll is the Representatives Director at the Arizona Art Alliance. Here is her story and some of her wonderful art:

Even as a young child, creating art was always a favorite activity. I remember walking with my siblings, in the hot Arizona sun, the few blocks to the public school where we would attend summer arts and crafts programs. Because I always loved to draw, I could happily spend hours engrossed in applyiDecorated Birthday Cake by Judy Delmonicong pencil to paper. Art was a favorite class in high school and I continued my studies in college, earning a BA in Art Education from Arizona State University. After graduation, I taught briefly, and then stayed home to raise my children. During that period, I spent many hours as a school volunteer utilizing my art skills to create bulletin boards, paint backdrops for school productions, and various other projects….even making elaborately decorated cakes. My family has told me that my best medium is frosting!

I have always admired the artwork of Mary Cassatt. I find her lovely and sensitive portrayals of children to be very inspiring. I also draw inspiration from nature and objects of everyday life. EGlass Distinctions- watercolor by Judy Delmonico-Rollven the simplest things can take on significance when depicted by the artist. That is the challenge for me and for every artist…..to see things in new and interesting ways and to share that vision with the viewer. My favorite mediums (other than frosting!) are watercolor and acrylic paints. Since creating art can be both exciting and intimidating, when a painting turns out really well it gives me a tremendous sense of accomplishment. That sense of accomplishment is greatly enhanced when it can be shared with others who find enjoyment in the artwork that I have created. Emily's Cabbage - acrylic on canvas by Judy Delmonico-Roll

Artists really do share their creativity with the world, which is why it seems to naturally follow (at least for me) that I share my time with organizations such as the Arizona Art Alliance. I’ve been involved with the Alliance for twelve years, and serve on the Board as a Representative Director helping to facilitate communications with our Member Art Groups.

If you would like to share your appreciation for art by telling us what art means to you and you are a league member in the Arizona Art Alliance , send your stories to hla@azartalliance.com. Your stories will be shared on this Blog.

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